
Our Mission
CNRC works to improve the quality of life of individuals and their families living with respiratory disease or tobacco addiction by developing, promoting and advocating for the highest standards in health promotion and care.
One in five Canadians is impacted by lung disease. Our certified respiratory and tobacco educators can help.
Our Educators
Our educators include nurses, pharmacists, physicians, respiratory therapists and more.  There are over 1,900 CNRC-certified educators located in Canada, the US and the Middle East who hold one or more of our credentials:

Certified Tobacco Educator (CTE)
Certified Respiratory Educator (CRE)
Certified Asthma Educator (CAE)
Certified COPD Educator (CCE)

Certified Respiratory Educators will help you build the skills and knowledge you need to manage your lung disease and improve your quality of life. Our Certified Tobacco Educators can provide you with the support to help you quit smoking.
By providing CNRC with a contribution, you will assist us in training more healthcare professionals so that more people have access to a certified respiratory or tobacco educator in their community.
More educators can mean:

Children and adults have less asthma exacerbations and hospitalizations
Adults and seniors with COPD spend less time in hospital and improve their quality of life
Fewer children start using tobacco
Individuals who use tobacco have access to the support they need to quit
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16851 Mount Wolfe Rd, Caledon, ON, L7E 3P6

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