
"THE NORFOLK COUNTY FAIR FOUNDATION" , was founded in 1998 and operates independently from the Norfolk County Agricultural Society. The establishment of the Foundation was essential in ensuring the preservation of the Norfolk County Fair for families of future generations to enjoy. The Foundation receives its income from annual membership drives, fundraising endeavours throughout the year and donations through; Wills, Bequests, Memorial Gifts & Celebration Gifts, Trusts, Life Insurance, Annuities, Charitable Planned Gifts etc.
Mission Statement:To maintain and preserve the Norfolk County Fair for future generations.
Who Are The Members?The Foundation has its own Board of 12 Directors who are elected annually for a one, two or three-year term and approximately 250 Foundation Members.
Membership Cost:A $10.00 annual membership entitles you to an Annual Membership Card, A Norfolk County Fair Foundation Pin (on request), Newsletters, a ballot for a free draw (prizes awarded during Fair at the Norfolk County Fair Foundation Booth), voting privileges at the Annual Meeting in March and an opportunity to assist the Foundation with raising funds for capital projects for the Fairgrounds.
What Happens to the Funds?
Any funds donated to the Foundation will be invested to fulfill our mission, " to maintain and preserve the Norfolk County Fair for future generations.
How Can You Help?Purchase an annual membership and assist in our fundraising endeavours throughout the year. Donations are also accepted through Wills, Bequests, Memorial Gifts (accepted at all Funeral Homes) & Celebration Gifts, Trusts, Life Insurance, Annuities, Securities, Charitable Planned Gifts etc.Read more



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