844a Princess Street, KINGSTON, ON, K7L 1G5
Reelout exists to celebrate queer media arts and to contribute to community vitality by programming materials that focus on issues of sexuality, race, culture, religion, class, gender, ability, health and age, thereby purposefully drawing together and initiating challenging dialogue among disparate members of the queer communities in Kingston and the surrounding area as well as between the larger Kingston community and the queer community. We are so thrilled to be entering our 2nd decade of showcasing educational and entertaining indie cinema. Over the years, we have screened more than 1185 films from countries around the world, with special focuses on Iceland, Spain, India, Sweden, and China. Reelout has also guest-curated Canadian short programs for festivals in Turkey and the United Kingdom. The Reelout Queer Film + Video Festival is the second largest queer festival in Ontario and the longest-running film festival in Kingston. The festival celebrates Kingston’s diversity and promotes public awareness and understanding of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer/questioning, asexual and intersex communities. Reelout’s magnitude and longevity is unique among small-city film festivals. Community support has been key to Reelout’s success, and its continued viability relies on the support of donors. Please consider the value of your financial contribution to Reelout’s future.
Reelout Arts Project Inc. tends the Reelout Education & Entertainment Library (The REEL), which acquires queer, Canadian and international film and/or video on DVD format for the purposes of fostering gender and sexual diversity education to citizens of Kingston and Lennox, Frontenac and Addington counties who lack accessibility to these resources or may feel isolated from queer culture, or may wish to increase their awareness of LGBTQ+ issues. We currently have over 2500 titles for loan to the community.
Reelout also reaches out directly to the community. The Reelout in Schools Project offers educational resource DVDs to public schools, workplaces, rural communities, and other community-serving agencies in Kingston and the surrounding areas. Reelout works with these groups to present films based on their needs and caters the program to best suit the age and social issue needing to be addressed. When possible, Reelout also provides relevant guest speakers.Read more
844a Princess Street, KINGSTON, ON, K7L 1G5
844a Princess Street, KINGSTON, ON, K7L 1G5