975 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1P 2K5
Our Mission
- To promote the teachings of Islam according to Shi’a Ithna-Asheri Ja’fari School of thought (hereinafter referred to as the Faith) and to provide facilities such as mosques, cemeteries, cultural and educational centers and publications to observe same.
- To promote cultural understanding between Muslim Canadians and mainstream Canadians.
- To undertake all such activities in furtherance of the aims and objectives which are of spiritual benefit to the followers of the Faith.
- To remain within the bounds of the Faith in all its activities and undertakings.
Alhuda is a charitable, non-profit making organization and its activities shall be carried without the purpose of gain for its members and all profits or other accretions of the Society, shall be used in promoting its aims and objectives.
Alhuda is a charitable, non-profit making organization and its activities shall be carried without the purpose of gain for its members and all profits or other accretions of the Society, shall be used in promoting its aims and objectives.
For more information about Al-Huda's new project, please visit this site:
975 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1P 2K5
975 Kennedy Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1P 2K5