
ERDO's Mission:
Emergency Relief and Development Overseas (ERDO) is a Christian organization passionately responding to the practical needs of people living with poverty or crisis around the world by listening, caring and partnering.
We seek Christ-motivated community and individual transformation by meeting basic human needs and fostering social, economic and spiritual potential.
We are committed to serving those in need by providing:
Crisis Response – ERDO provides emergency aid, disaster recovery and training that enable people to be better prepared for future crises. ERDO's crisis responses have included: the Rohingya Refugee crisis, the Horn of Africa food crisis, Fort McMurray, Syrian refugees, refugees in Northern Iraq, the Nepal earthquake, Malawi floods, Ebola victims in Sierra Leone and Liberia, continued rebuilding in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, and many more situations.
In partnership with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), major annual food aid projects ensure that hundreds of thousands of people receive life-saving food. Emergency food assistance is a big part of ERDO's crisis response work.
Community Development – ERDO provides clean water, microfinance for women in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, and sustainable agricultural practices in order to make the difference in helping people break the cycle of poverty and poor health.
Child Sponsorship - Monthly $41 child sponsorship helps to provide vulnerable children with education and basic necessities of life.
To become a child sponsor please visit
About Our Charity:
Established in 1983 as the humanitarian agency of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC), ERDO has been reaching out to women, children and men of all faiths around the world for over 30 years, helping them through crises of war, natural disaster and the hunger and thirst of poverty. 
In 2019, ERDO was named one of Canada’s Top 100 Charities by MoneySense magazine, Charity Intelligence and Maclean's. Read more



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